La brocantine

Association polyvalente, solidaire et participative autour du bien être.

La Broc'antine is focused on combined well-being, in the broad sense of the term. It is a place of exchange and sociability, with a regional touch, a creative boutique, the Broc'Shop and a dedicated wellness area (yoga, Qi gong, sophrology, reflexology, sports coaching, Bol d'Air Jacquier associated with Light Therapy...) Several workshops are staged such as meditation, art therapy (pastels, modelling, mandalas), cookery and creative 'upcycling' as well as temporary exhibitions.


Période d'ouverture
All year round.
14 avenue Geoges Clémenceau
94300 Vincennes
01 43 28 24 90
Réseaux sociaux

Langues parlées

English, Spanish, French
