Hôtel de ville de Vincennes

Issu de deux périodes de construction distinctes, l’Hôtel de ville illustre tout à la fois le style néo-Renaissance et le style Art déco, par les aménagements intérieurs remarquables réalisés lors de son agrandissement dans les années 30.

A first town hall was built in 1847 by the architect Clerget. The rapid urban and demographic development of Vincennes prompted the construction of a new building. The architect Eugène Calinaud's project, very largely inspired by the Paris Town Hall, with a neo-Renaissance style and an eclectic decor, was selected. The work lasted three years and the new town hall was inaugurated on 25 October 1891. The premises quickly became cramped, so it was decided to enlarge the building from 1931. The work was carried out by the architects Henri Quarez and Gustave Lapostolle. The new Town Hall was inaugurated in 1935. Key elements: - The decoration of the wedding hall is remarkable with its marouflage paintings. They evoke the Château, the town hall, the Bois de Vincennes and Daumesnil Lake. These paintings, produced by Maurice Chabas in 1902, were classified as Historic Monuments in 1982. - The monumental staircase has steel and wrought iron ramps made by the Brandt companies, who were among the best craftsmen of the period. - The translucent reinforced concrete dome dating from the 1935 modifications is made up of 10,000 glass parts. - Two frescoes decorate the landing on the second floor of the Town Hall: one traces the royal history of the Château de Vincennes from Saint-Louis to Charles V; the other depicts a royal hunt in the woods during the reign of Louis XIV.


Période d'ouverture
All year round, every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Closed exceptionally on bank holidays.
53 bis, rue de Fontenay
94300 Vincennes
01 43 98 65 00

Langues parlées



Free access.


Métro ligne 1 "Château de Vincennes" RER A "Vincennes" Bus lignes 46, 56, 112, 114, 115, 118, 124, 210, 215, 318, 325


Handicap moteur : Accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite.

Handicap visuel : Des visites guidées adaptées de l'Hôtel de ville sont organisées sur demande par l'Office de tourisme. Des plans thermogonflés sont remis aux participants à cette occasion.