Julien Dechenaud Chocolatier

Venez découvrir les délicieuses préparations chocolatées de Julien Dechenaud qui régaleront vos papilles !

Immersed in the world of chocolate by his father, a pastry chef and chocolatier, Julien was quickly taken with all the pleasures and flavors that arise from the cocoa bean. With his pastry training complete, he built on his experience at Romanic Boilley's, in Lyon, where he improved and matured. Then came the 'conching', or polishing, in the big maisons, such as Jean-Paul Hévin, Patrick Roger and Alain Ducasse, where Julien refined his experience and took away an ingredient which enabled him to stand on his own two feet. Now he gives free rein to his creativity and his love for chocolate in his shop.


Période d'ouverture
All year round Opening hours on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday between 9.30 am and 7.30 pm. On Sunday between 9.30 am and 1.30 pm.
32 rue Robert Giraudineau
94300 Vincennes
01 45 73 94 02
Réseaux sociaux

Langues parlées

English, Spanish, French, Portuguese
